Before traveling for the holidays, take time to safeguard your property. By taking precautions, you can avert problems with theft or damage to your property during your absence. Here are a few tips on how to keep your home safe while on holiday.
Have a neighbor pick up your mail daily or request that your post office hold it during your absence to avoid having an overflow of letters in your mailbox. If you have a newspaper subscription, put it on hold during your travels.
For extended holidays, have someone mow the lawn or shovel snow from your driveway, depending on the season, to give the impression that someone is home.
Invest in timers to turn on lights, radio or TV during the evening so no one will suspect that you’re not home. Thieves are less likely to target a home that looks like it’s occupied. Unplug all appliances not on timers to minimize the risk of power surges causing an electrical fire.
Holiday Plans
Don’t advertise your travels to the public as you never know who’s listening. Share holiday plans with family, close friends or a trusted neighbor in private who can keep an eye on your property while you’re gone. Leave spare keys with someone you trust in case they need to get in the house due to an emergency during your absence.
Lock up costly jewelry, important documents and other valuables in a safety deposit box or safe as an extra precaution against theft.
Home Insurance
Make sure you have adequate home insurance coverage to protect your property. Contact Curtis Miller Insurance, Parkersburg, WV, before traveling to discuss home insurance options. With the right insurance policy from Curtis Miller Insurance, you can travel in peace knowing your home in Parkersburg, WV, is well protected against any eventuality.