Homeowners in West Virginia realize the critical importance of having flood insurance due to the heightened risk caused by climate change and severe weather. Some homeowners must carry flood insurance because the mortgage lenders require it for the home to qualify for the financing. These requirements are based on whether the home is found in a flood risk area as designated on maps maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
There are new flood risks and reasons why you should with your agent at Curtis Miller Insurance serving Parkersburg, WV, and the nearby areas, to get flood insurance for your home.
Flood Maps May Be Outdated
FEMA reports that it is trying to update its flood maps. However, in many areas, the updating process is three or more years behind schedule due to budget limitations and staffing shortages. Meanwhile, we are having record-breaking severe weather.
Flood Plains are Expanding
There are two general categories of flood plains that most people may have heard on the news. They are the 50- or 100-year flood plain and the 500-year flood plain. These are areas on the FEMA maps that historically had one flood during each 50 to 100 years or 500 years respectively.
The challenging facts are that in many parts of the country there have been 50- or 100-year floods and even 500-years floods within the past few years. In some places, there was more than one major flood in areas that never experienced them before. The flood plains are changing and, in general, the areas in West Virginia that have a risk of flooding are expanding.
River Overflows are More Frequent
The most common cause of home damage in West Virginia is flooding, landslides, and sinkholes. Torrential rains may cause rivers to overflow and may also cause mudslides. Overflowing rivers cause the water table to rise and water may seep into the home from below. Only a few inches of water that enters a home may cause severe damage.
In light of the increasing risk of flooding in West Virginia, it is prudent for homeowners to have flood insurance coverage. Contact your agent at Curtis Miller Insurance in Parkersburg, WV to get a home insurance review and a quote for flood insurance.